Active air & surface sanitization
University tests show contaminates are Killed at a rate of up to 99.9% using the ProGuard â„¢ organic Air Sanitization process. It protects cannabis crops from all types of molds and mildews helping growers achieve true Pharma Grade product.
The PCO Air Sanitization process was originally developed by NASA. University tested and proven to sanitize pathogens including: Staph, MRSA, E-Coli, Strep, Listeria, Candida Albicans, Aeruginosa, Black Mold, Powdery Mildew, Botrytis, Pythium, & others.
The ProGuard â„¢ Sanitization Technology with BPI provides a lethal kill rate for microbes and pathogens; with an organic process that is completely safe for people. Brought to you by Pract & Innovative Solutions.
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